A decision concerning the issue of a loan can be received fast, usually within a couple of hours. The loan may be repaid within the period of time at your choice starting from 3 months to 4 years.
There are two options to apply for a loan:
Applying for a loan in the medical institution is performed in cooperation/by consulting with the staff of the medical institution and taking account of your treatment plan and/or price offer for the medical service requested by you.
Applying for a loan in the internet is possible here.
Information on the transfer of money, use of the loan amount etc is available here.
The loan issued by MediCredit OÜ is a financial obligation. Before applying for a loan please consider your financial capabilities and the period during which the loan can be repaid. Carefully consider your decision, examine the terms and conditions and, if necessary, consult with our specialist who will find the best solution for you. E.g. when borrowing 1200 euros for 48 months, the interest is 13.51% from the loan balance per year, contribution 0%, contract fee 0 euros, total amount of payments 1560 euros, payment in monthly annuity payments 32.50 euros per month. The annual percentage rate of charge is 14.4%.